Copies .25 per page
Fax .75 per page
Returned Check $20 each (any/all)
FOIA .25 per page (copy) (see FOIA guidelines) .75 per page (fax)
Fire Incident Report $25
Zoning Ordinance $25
Voter List $10
Land Use Permits $50 up to 900 sq. ft.
$100 901-2000 sq. ft.
$150 Over 2001 sq. ft.
Temporary Use $40
Moving or Demolition $30
Residential Sign $30
Zoning Appeal or Building Appeal $500
Special Use Permits $500
Land Division Permit $100
After The Fact Permit* Same as Permit Fee
* Issued as a result of a violation & in addition to regular fee. All permits expire
within one year of the date issued unless otherwise stated. Half the permit fee
can be refunded if the project is abandoned and the refunded is applied for prior
to both start of any earth movement and the expiration date of the permit.
CEMETERY SPACE (per opening basis)
Resident $75
Non-Resident $300
Non-Resident, Non-Taxpayer $500
Transfer Ownership $10
Township Re-Purchase Original Purchase Price
Sexton Open/Close Charge $600
$250 Inurnment
Winter Burial $1200 Burial
(at the discretion of the Sexton and Cemetery Board ) $500 Inurnment
Snow Removal for Mausoleum Storage $35
Fence Viewer $25 per diem